"For what? Inviting you to indulge your thirst for certain doom? I'm not doing this out of charity, I just want to get back to my nap."

You raise the hatch, revealing pitch dark below. What little you can make out seems covered in a layer of dirt and spiderwebs. A metal ladder glistens faintly against the soft lantern light of the room above.

"Ah, before I forget, take this. It's dark down there."

The orange cat shuts his eyes tight and wiggles his nose, and a small lantern appears in a puff of smoke. You pick it up off the floor, and attach it to your waist. Giving G'arfeld an affirmative, thankful nod, you start down the ladder. A few yalms down, you hear the door above you shut, leaving only you, your lantern's light, and whatever creepy-crawlies are in this shaft with you.

You hear G'arfeld, albeit muffled, "Earthsdays, I swear..."

Continue making your way down the ladder.